Welcome to my blog,
I decided to start this blog to share my experiences and recipes cooking
and baking according SCD diet because I was inspired by the many other
bloggers who have done the same and adapted all kinds of recipes for
specific diets. I found a lot of great recipes and I wanted to give back
by sharing my own experience. My fiance has had difficulty digesting
food for several years and none of the doctors so far have been able to
find anything wrong with him, so we decided to try the SCD diet
recommended to me by my friend who is the granddaughter of the author
of Breaking the Vicious Cycle
. I think Viginia Woolf said it best when she wrote “One cannot think
well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” I hope through
this experience of trying new recipes I can find ones that work the
best so we can dine well! Please feel free to leave comments about
recipes or recommend other recipes.
Food for Thought:
Food probably has a very great influence on the condition of men. Wine
exercises a more visible influence, food does it more slowly but perhaps
just as surely. Who knows if a well-prepared soup was not responsible
for the pneumatic pump or a poor one for a war?
Georg C. Lichtenberg